“Best”, “Worst” and gender divides

According to the Times Higher Education Supplement, The Daily Star wrote a guide to British Uni’s. The basis of their comparisons? Gender ratio and beer prices. Not only that but apparently the “best” was represented by the highest female to male ratio – i.e. where women outnumber men. And the “worst” was were men outnumber women. Now I’m all for women in Higher Education (after all it’s what I spend most days doing!), but because more women = greater chance at sex. Plus the Star’s idea either presumes that their readers are all male or that women at university are so undiscerning as to fall for men who chose university places on the basis of whether they will have more female or male peers.

The Star ignores that University entrants are now mostly female (according to UCAS 55% of University applicants and 54% of University entrants are now female – although The Times chose to represent this as risking “men free” universities). But this is still gendered with men outnumbering women in mathematical sciences, physical sciences, computer science (by almost 4:1), engineering (by more than 4:1) and architecture (data from UCAS and HESA)