Weekly round-up and open thread

Usual disclaimer: the links below do not represent the views of TFW collective members, and are included only because we thought they might be of interest to readers, not because we endorse the piece/website/writer linked to. Feel free to discuss and add further links in comments!

Ms Magazine reports that women will finally be allowed to compete in ski jumping the Winter Olympics – a sport where women have the physical advantage, which may just have something to do with why we’ve been banned from competing for so long.

‘A Tunisian Girl’ talks about blogging under repressive regimes.

Feminism and teaching: where do we go from here? A report on the UK’s first Feminism and Teaching Symposium.

Why I won’t be talking about abortion as a “women’s issue” any more – Lori @ Feministing.

The art of “no” continued: saying “no” when you’ve already said “yes” – CaptainAwkward.com.

France is considering making it illegal to pay for sex – Guardian.

Following on from the news that the Salvation Army were awarded a contract to support victims of sex trafficking, a local, Relate-backed charity with twenty years’ experience has been passed over in favour of a homophobic Catholic charity for a contract to counsel teenagers in the London Borough of Richmond. But let’s not forget that traditional Christian folks are being oppressed, OK?!

Venus Iceberg X and the Ghe20 Goth1k Crew Call Out DJ Diplo for Musical and Cultural Imperialism – Racialicious.

Female GPs may struggle to re-train after maternity leave as funding for returners’ schemes is cut, the Medical Women’s Federation has warned – GP Online.

Coming of Age: Arya Raje on how she learnt to value the traditionally feminine, not just assert her right to be part of the traditionally masculine.

Majority of Women Use Contraception Irrespective of Religious Affiliation – RH Reality Check.

Maddow: New Abortion Restrictions Unchallenged Because Roe’s On the Line – AlterNet.

Saudi women use fatwa in driving bid – Gulf News.

Girls between 16 and 19 are now most at risk of domestic violence – Guardian.

The Girl Dearth – comment on the “missing girls” in India and globally – Sepia Mutiny.

Libby Brooks: Beware the anti-abortionists’ tiny steps towards reform.

And given that I refuse to let Nadine “forced pregnancy = pro-woman” Dorries have the last word, here’s a baby penguin. Being tickled. Oh my.

Photo of “Feminism Rocks” stencilled on a pavement by Kristjan Wager, shared under a Creative Commons Licence.