Weekly round-up and open thread, 16th May 2011


Here’s this week’s open thread for discussion and our regular round-up of some of the articles and blogs we’ve noticed over the last week or so, but not had time to post about. Lots of Slutwalk stuff, unsurprisingly.

If you have a link or comment that doesn’t fit anywhere else and would like to share it, feel free to drop it in the comments here.

TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains hyperlinks to external websites and blogs, some of which have comment threads and other material which some people may find triggering. The links here are posted in good faith but, as The F-Word has no control over the content of external sites, readers are advised to use their discretion and approach them with due caution.

DON’T SHOOT THE MESSENGER CLAUSE: The inclusion of any link in this post should not be construed as agreement or disagreement with its content by anyone at The F-Word. Links are posted for information and/or discussion purposes only and do not reflect any form of “official TFW party line” on any subject because there is no “official TFW party line”.

Breastfed babies ‘develop fewer behaviour problems’ (BBC News: Health)

Did Tupperware parties change the lives of women? (BBC News: Magazine)

SlutWalking is rooted in riot grrl attitude (Guardian, Cif)

March yes, but that word you use is helping no one (Independent, Opinion)

A Spoonful of Humor Makes the Feminism Go Down in Tina Fey’s ‘Bossypants’


Prada’s attempts to storm Chinese market hit by feminist protesters (Guardian, Life & Style)

Indigenous Women: The Importance Of Sharing, Learning And Growing As Leaders (Association for Women’s Rights in Development)

Teenage Cheerleader Ordered To Pay School That Kicked Her Off The Squad For Refusing To Cheer For Her Rapist (Crooks and Liars)

Kate Swift, Writer Who Rooted Out Sexism in Language, Dies at 87 (New York Times)

Chorley Women’s Refuge now have a website

Cornwall Film Festival adds new category for shorts by women

Nina Simone biopic in the works (Black Voices)

The Long Island women’s real killer (Guardian)

The first ever London Sex Worker Film Festival

Shame and Breast Cancer in Saudi Arabia (Gender Across Borders)

Representing representations of feminism (Zero at the bone)

Malaysia’s Queer Support: Only Certain Types May Apply (Kakak Killjoy)

Blog 4 Girls Competition

Behind the Veil: Women’s influence in politics is growing but it is still small (Economist)

Domestic abuse is your business

Rape statistics: what can we rely on?

No to violence against women – United Nations European ad competition

Activist battles Kenyan tradition of rape ‘beading’ (CNN)

10 odd things to say to someone with breast cancer

Rape in the Congo much higher than UN reports

Houston Press Lists Ten “Hottest” Sex Offenders (Ms Magazine)

Electro Feminisms: I Bet You Look Better on the Dancefloor (Bitch magazine)

Gender Bias Uncovered in Children’s Books With Male Characters, Including Male Animals, Leading the Fictional Pack (Science Daily)

Member of disabled people’s Direct Action Network on disability charities

Young Mother Loses Custody of Children Because of Breast Cancer; Who’s Next? (Huffington Post)

Violence against women: Europe must take a step forward (Cyprus Mail)

Human trafficking fears as key UK staff are lost (Guardian)

Guardian Focus podcast on the Slutwalk marches

Suzanne Vega in Carson McCullers Talks About Love (New York Times)

Your child’s been abducted? Best hope The Sun likes the look of you

Get down on the FarmVille (Guardian)

Fairy Tale Fest: The Best Adaptation of The Little Mermaid I’ve Ever Seen (Bad Reputation)

Mumbai’s Ragpickers Vie for Better Recycling Niche